
Partnering India’s infrastructure build since 1979, ADVANCE is one of the leading providers of a wide range of electrical & industry automation solutions representing some of the finest in global technology and executing EPC contracts.

  1. Market Leader
  2. International Exports
  3. Positive and Inspiring Work Culture
  4. Stability and Success
  5. Effective and Transparent Management
  6. Career Growth Opportunities
  7. Corporate Culture
  8. Maintaining latest ISO, OHSAS, EHS Policies etc.

International Exports

Exporting avoids the cost of establishing manufacturing operations in the target country.

Exporting may help a company achieve experience curve effects and location economies in their home country. Ownership advantages include the firm's assets, international experience, and the ability to develop either low-cost or differentiated products. The locational advantages of a particular market are a combination of costs, market potential and investment risk. Internationalization advantages are the benefits of retaining a core competence within the company and threading it though the value chain rather than to license, outsource, or sell it. We are also exporting in various countries viz. Philippines , Thailand , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Nepal , North Africa , West Africa , Indonesia , Gulf Countries etc

Positive Corporate Culture

Advance Group has positive company culture that affords employees respect while expecting quality work every day. Positive environment often encourages collaboration. The management trusts the experience and decision-making of the employees, allowing them to take on projects without constantly hovering or correcting.

Effective and Transparent Management

When an organization is more transparent with their employees, they tend to be more successful.This type of openness between managers and employees creates trust and leads to a successful organization. In one way or another, that is every single company's goal: to be continually successful at what they do.

Career Growth Opportunities

Growth is our organization's ladder or, to use the parlance of the day, career lattice. Career development, on the other hand, includes things employees do to enhance or develop their career.

Market Leader

Advance Group is a company with the largest market share in an industry that can often use its dominance to affect the competitive landscape and direction the market takes.

Company Stability and Success

A financially stable business has a wide variety of resources available for it to function and succeed, the operations themselves can continue to perform and will continue to grow if the business is profitable. Money isn’t everything, but in these instances, it’s money that keeps the company alive, without which there is no company.

Stability is the ability to withstand a temporary problem, such as a decrease in sales, lack of capital or loss of a key employee or customer. Analyzing your cash flow and a variety of negative scenarios will help you determine whether or not your business is financially stable.

Positive and Inspiring Company Culture

Our organization tend to have strong, positive corporate culture that help employees feel and perform their best at work. Research gathered by Culture IQ found that employee’s overall ratings of their company’s qualities – including collaboration, environment and values

Company culture is an integral part of business. It affects nearly every aspect of a company. From recruiting top talent to improving employee satisfaction, it’s the backbone of a happy workforce. Without a positive corporate culture, many employees will struggle to find the real value in their work, and this leads to a variety of negative consequences for your bottom line.

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